Do you often wonder what part of your business needs more attention? What parts of your practice are flowing smoothly, or which aspects need more focus? Do you spend time wondering about your cashflow and how to increase your revenue? Do you ever consider if you should specialize or how to grow your business in new directions and which one will lead to the easiest, most profitable outcomes? Are you planning on hiring an associate or an employee? Do you second guess your management skills? If so, a personalized Bazi reading may be a great investment and provide you with valuable insights into your particular wealth capacity and style.

Bazi, also known as the Four Pillars of Destiny or the 8 Characters is an ancient Chinese form of metaphysics that is similar to astrology. It uses a person’s birth day, time, and place to construct the natal birth chart. Deciphering this chart is complex and must be done by a certified Bazi Consultant. Acupuncturists and lovers of Chinese Medicine will be able to closely relate to the chart reading because it uses the 5 elements, yin and yang pairs, Chinese zodiac animal signs and more to reveal an individual’s destiny path and provide valuable insights for future life choices. This service specifically focuses on career, wealth, and business related topics of one’s chart.

Below are a few of the many questions that Bazi can answer for you:

Should I be self employed or work for others?

What size company is best suited for me?

What positions and aspects of the company are suited for me?

What aspects of the company should be handled by other members of my team?

What is my easiest path to wealth? What industries should I consider?

How can I construct the right team players for your business?

When should I make strategic plans and transitions in my business and career?

Will I make a good team leader or employer?

How can I manage my employees more effectively?


About Jenn Collins

Jenn Collins L.Ac., MSOM has spent many years studying the Four Pillars of Destiny. She is a certified Bazi consultant through Dr. Richard Teh-Fu Tan. Her certification consisted of many hours of intensive hands on training with Dr. Tan learning how to construct and analyze specific destiny paths according to birth day, time, and place. Jenn has also participated in many additional Bazi training courses with Joey Yapp’s Mastery Academy. She is passionate about helping you to determine your best business strategies and areas of focus. This service is available through Acuhub, and will need to be scheduled. You will need to supply us with your exact birth day, time, and place for an accurate reading. After your purchase, and getting your birth info to us, it will take one to three weeks to construct and analyze your chart before we schedule the consultation via phone or video conference. Jenn will not only show you the insights from your Bazi but will also incorporate business coaching into the session to help you apply the information into your specific acupuncture practice. It’s a winning combination. Purchase your personalized Bazi for Business Reading here.